America is different from Russia and China in many ways, including the role that guns play in American society. Some people may like guns and some may hate them, but do guns play a role in making America what it is today, the flagbearer of democracies? Let’s find out.

Democracy of yore

The origins of democracy are rooted in ancient Greece. The word itself is derived from two Greek words, “demos” (people) and “kratos” (power). In ancient Greece, democracy was a system of direct rule by the people. It wasn’t a system where people voted for their representatives. Rather, the people were the representatives. The people were the ones who made and passed laws and decided on the policies of the state. The ancient Greek city-states were the first to experiment with democracy. The Macedonians, led by Alexander the Great, conquered Greece in the 4th century B.C.

The Roman Republic, which lasted from around 509 BC to around 27 BC, was another early experiment with democracy. The Republic was a federal state with a complex system of government, including the Roman Senate (a group of wealthy landowners who voted on laws) and the Roman Assembly (a group of all-male citizens who voted on laws). The Republic also had a series of courts that heard cases and decided on punishments. Eventually, the Republic was replaced by the Roman Empire, a monarchy in which the emperor was the absolute ruler.

Despite its short-lived nature, the idea of democracy took root and would eventually resurface in other forms. In the late 18th century, the French and American revolutions ushered in a new era of democracy. The French Revolution (1789-1799) overthrew the monarchy and established a republic. The American Revolution (1775-1783) led to the formation of the US, a republic based on the principles of democracy. These two revolutions inspired people all over the world to demand democratic governments. During the 19th century, democracy continued to spread. In 1848, a series of revolutions known as the “Spring of Nations” swept across Europe.

Hello from the other side

The authoritarian forms of governance (including monarchy and dictatorship) have several benefits over the democratic ones. Autocratic governments do not have to deal with the time-consuming process of deliberation. They can simply make decisions and implement them quickly. The leader is not subject to the whims of the public or the changing tides of public opinion. They can also censor information and restrict freedom of expression. They have the power to use force to maintain order. This can be beneficial in times of social unrest or when a country is facing internal or external threats. The risks are also obvious. Autocrats are not bound by the same laws and protections as democratically elected leaders, and can thus abuse their power with impunity. Undeserving successors have less legitimacy and are more likely to be overthrown by popular uprisings due to misrule.

In simpler words, democratic governments are less likely to do exceptionally good or extremely bad than autocrats due to checks and balances. This provides autocracy an edge in trying times that require tough and unpopular decisions. History is full of examples where democracy has been overthrown by authoritarian regimes. The most notable examples in recent history include the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany, the rise of the Soviet Union (single-party rule), and the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Several factors can contribute to the downfall of democracy. These include economic crises, social unrest, and foreign interference. Monarchy may well be history but newer forms of autocratic rule like military dictatorships and single-party rule have been successful. Recent examples include the military dictatorship in Myanmar (2021) and Taliban rule in Afghanistan (2021).

America leading the democratic order

The US has long been considered a beacon of democracy around the world. The principles of liberty and equality that America was founded upon have inspired people across the globe to fight for their rights and freedoms. The country has played a leading role in promoting democracy and supporting democratic movements. It has also provided economic and military assistance to countries transitioning to democracy. Some examples of American assistance include the Marshall Plan, which helped rebuild Europe after World War II, and the support provided to the Solidarity movement in Poland. In recent years, America has continued to support democracy through programs like the National Endowment for Democracy and the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

Sanctions are also a tool that the US has used to pressure regimes that are undemocratic or violate human rights. For example, America has placed sanctions on countries like Iran and North Korea. It has also used its position in the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on countries like Libya and Syria. It has also intervened militarily to support democracy in some cases. The most notable example is the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which toppled the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. The country has also intervened militarily to restore democracy in Haiti and Somalia.

America is a superpower with no immediate rival. The US economy is the largest in the world, with a nominal GDP of over $25 trillion in 2022. It has the world’s largest military budget, spending over $600 billion per year on defense in 2019 – more than the next seven countries combined. America spends more on research and development than any other country. It is the only superpower and when it wants democracy, no other country can stand in its way. But what if democracy is at risk at home?

The risk at home

Democracy has been a boon for America. Freedom and liberty are the cornerstones of the nation. It is a nation of immigrants. It is a nation of diverse people who are united by a common set of values that believe in freedom and opportunity. The enterprising spirit of the American people has led to a thriving economy and a standard of living that is the envy of the world.

There is no perfect democracy, and America is no exception. Democracy can become more difficult when the population is diverse rather than homogenized. The US, for example, has become increasingly diverse in recent years. Different groups may have trouble finding common ground on issues, leading to greater political polarization. Such polarization can make it difficult to govern effectively, as it can be difficult to pass laws or make decisions when there is such a wide range of opinions.

Democracy also has its flaws. One of the biggest problems with democracy is that it can be easily manipulated. Just a few allegations on opponents and a few false promises, and votes can swing either way. Another problem with democracy is that it can be easily hijacked by special interests. The problem with special interests is that they often don’t have the best interests of the country at heart. They just want to influence the political process in their favor. For example, the gun lobby is a special interest group that has a lot of money and influence.

Guns enter the chat

When democracy is in danger around the world, the US comes to the rescue. It does so by using its hard power (military and economic prowess). The ideas of freedom and human rights can provide a nice cover but guns (and tanks and ships and planes) do the real job. A 2022 Indian movie, RRR, has been making waves in the US recently. The movie tells a story of the freedom struggle in India during British colonial rule. A key theme in the movie is that if Indians had access to guns and firearms, they would have been able to resist the oppression more effectively.

Several governments have been toppled by armed resistance. Major powers like the US, Russia, or China often enable such resistance by providing support in the form of arms, funds, and political backing. When faced with resistance, the government has few choices: fall, compromise, or go into a perpetual civil conflict.

The state gets stronger as it gets bigger, which gives it more power to crush resistance. For example, in Russia and China, the state is strong enough to quash any uprising. This has been seen in Chechnya, Tiananmen Square, and the Hong Kong protests of 2019-2020. The American government can certainly accomplish such feats with its vast resources. Any bright-eyed leader can come forward to free the people from the burden of choosing a government. What prevents it?